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We specialize in speech and language therapy for children from birth to 18 years of age. We administer comprehensive speech, language, and/or Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) evaluations in order to provide detailed information regarding the child’s communication development. Following an evaluation, we provide services for SPEECH disorders, or delays in a child’s ability to form sounds using the correct placement of their tongue, lips, mouth, as well as children having difficulty sequencing the motor planning necessary to produce sounds. We also provide services for LANGUAGE, or a child’s understanding of words and using them to express themselves. We also assist in the process of determining if an AAC device (low tech, mid-tech, and/or high-tech) is appropriate for your child, as well as aid in acquiring the non-speech generating or speech-generating device. Lighthouse Speech Therapy, PLLC approaches therapy with play-based, neuro-affirming methods, where goals are targeted through the use of child-directed play. We feel strongly about working together with school-based services, Early Intervention plans, and any other therapy services to create a well-rounded treatment plan. We believe that parents are the most important part of the therapy team, so we encourage active parent participation, questions, and feedback. 

We provide comprehensive, diagnostic evaluations that take an in-depth look at the area of concern. Using standardized assessments and our own informal data collection, we are able to look at all areas of communication to determine strengths and weaknesses. A written diagnostic report is included in the price of the evaluation.

Upon completion of an evaluation, a plan of care is drafted and treatment begins. We use child-directed, play-based approaches to address speech and language goals. Therapy is typically provided in 55-minute increments, depending on parent preference and ability level.

Periodically, parent training courses and "parent and me" classes are held locally and virtually to provide information and guided practice to address communication. Common topics include building a language-rich environment, how to teach a child to request, and ways to address speech sounds in daily routine. Please follow our Instagram and Facebook pages for more details.

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